Parochial Neighbors

Cat on a Fence Alex Colville
Parochial Neighbors

On occasion fences are necessary
	for parochial neighbors. 

When my vecino’s little patch of dirt, 
	a postage stamp jardín,
not the least attractive to my eye,
lures my feline’s compulsion
for establishing a comfort station
over an otherwise engaging perimeter,
harsh mindsets cloud tolerance.

Distain for critters
does not compute in my world
where the sun rises and set
on all things beautiful.

Prevention, the only prescription
for curiosities inevitable challenges—

Well aware of the futile effort
to quell wanderlust in my siete gatos
I’m in for a day of erecting a fence! 

Knowing full well
		it will in time 
humble to the will of the acrobatic skill
intolerant of barriers & closed minds

In the absence of solutions futility reigns